Call For Papers

The DSAI invites submissions to the Working Paper Series. All papers published in the series will be relevant to the interface between development research, policy and practice in Ireland; and aim to advance the state of the art. While the scope is broad, the WPS specifically welcomes papers that:

  • Deliver empirical findings relevant to policy;

  • Critically engage with frameworks, discourses or assumptions in development policy and practice;

  • Translate research into knowledge for innovation;

  • Outline a new perspective, theoretical approach or methodology;

  • Put forward an argument that will promote the renewal or deepening of development studies;

  • Critically reflect international development, approaches, challenges and opportunities;

  • Analyse emerging trends (e.g. IATI, technology etc)

This list is not exhaustive but aims to highlight the breadth of issues that the Working Paper Series aims to achieve. In all cases copyright of the paper remains fully with the author. All views, findings and proposals expressed in the publications do not necessarily reflect the views of the DSA Ireland.

Following an initial screening, manuscripts will submitted for blind peer-review. Accepted papers will be posted online on the DSAI website.

The DSA Ireland will actively engage in broad dissemination of the WPS papers to policy makers both within and beyond Ireland.

You must be a member of DSAI in order to submit a working paper. Details of how to join can be found here.