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DSAI Call for Study Group Convenors

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The DSAI is calling for applications for Convenors for our Study Groups!

What is the role of the study Group convenor?

The role of the study group convenor is dynamic and varied. You will be provided with a budget and the opportunity to organise events and seminars, with the support of the DSAI Co-ordinator and Communications Officer.  Convenors generally organise three events during the year and provide some assistance with the Annual conference. Study Group Convenors are based in Ireland, working with the Irish networks and communities of practice. Further information on DSAI study groups can be found on our website here.  

We are currently inviting applications for Convenors of the following Study Groups: 

This is a voluntary role. If you are interested, please submit your CV and a one page statement outlining why you would like to lead the study group and what skills you can bring to meeting the goals of DSAI, to  by Friday 3rd March 2023 with 'Call for Study Group Convenor' in the subject line.

Many of our Study Group are jointly run by two Co-Convenors, who liaise and share the co-ordination of the group's activities. We encourage joint applications as in our experience this can:

- Bring diverse perspective or disciplines to the groups activities

- Enhance the professional networks that support the groups

- Support a 'team' approach for a more dynamic experience or

- Provide opportunity for early career academics to build networks and expeerience whilst benefitting from support and guidance.

If you are submitting a joint application please include both CVs and outline in the one page statement how you will work together and who will be primary point of contact for the group. 

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