DSAI Postgraduate Network

What does DSAI offer Postgraduate Students?
DSAI membership entitles postgraduate students access to networking with like-minded people and well-established actors across international development issues, from academics and researchers to NGOs and activists. Membership is free. You can join here.
Recent News and Events from the Postgraduate Network:
- Sept 2020 - Dialogue Series Event 'Issues in Posgradute Research'. Detail and registration here.
- July 2020 - Dialogue Series Event 'Issues in Development: Postgraduates Discuss'. Watch back here or read the discussion summary here.
DSAI currently runs nine Study Groups: Civil Society: Child Health; Education; Gender; Humanitarian; Nutrition; Business and Development, Climate and Development and Adaptive Programming. Through these Study Groups, postgraduate members can link with those who have an interest in the same research area in international development.
The DSAI newsletter and website offer postgraduate students opportunities to disseminate their findings and promote their publications, as well as access support and feedback on their ongoing research.
Connect with peers and senior academics in Ireland
Get known by publishing your profile to our website
Stay abreast of current trends in your area through joining one of our study groups
Link with a country-wide postgraduate network
Attend the annual conference at a reduced rate
Receive invitations to special talks and other events
Attend seminars and summer schools
Develop and hone skills through connections with experts
Attend targeted research events in priority areas
Make your work relevant to policy makers
Take advantage of publishing opportunities available through DSAI
Sharpen your communication and presentation skills
What is the DSAI Postgraduate Network?
The DSAI Postgraduate Network actively seeks to support and promote postgraduate students' skills, experience and networks, and get the most out of DSAI.
You automatically become a member of the Postgraduate Network upon joining DSAI – you don’t have to do anything! There is a designated Postgraduate Representative on the DSAI Steering Committee who will ensure you hear promptly about upcoming events at DSAI – and to ensure there are always special opportunities and rates for postgraduate students!
DSAI also encourages postgraduate members to request tailored events and workshops, from trainings to talks by invited speakers. So do ask for what would be useful to you, and reach out to us if you need any connections in the development field in Ireland!
In 2013, the original ‘Postgraduate Researchers Working Group’ was formed at DSA Ireland Postgraduate Research Workshop in order to support postgraduate interests within DSA Ireland and grow the membership of postgraduate students within DSA Ireland.
The Postgraduate Network is made up of students from across different institutions and research interests. The Network does not necessarily focus on a particular research area but instead provides a venue for enhancing postgraduate engagement with DSA Ireland and for promoting communication and opportunities across a wider postgraduate network. Members of this group have been involved in several initiatives, including organising a half-day DSAI-TIDI-TCD event hosted as part of TIDI Development Research Week 2013.
DSAI Postgraduate Network Activities and Achievements
Download the Student Guidelines for Ethical Fieldwork Overseas (https://globalhealth.ie/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/SEE_Guidelines_FULL_271016_FINAL-2.pdf)
At the 2017 DSAI Conference, 10 DSAI Postgraduate members were selected to present posters… printing free of charge
Designing Posters Presentation for TIDI by the DSAI Postgraduate Representative – a useful resource for all newbies to conference posters!
To join this study group, please contact the Postgraduate Network representative at postgrad@dsaireland.org.
The Postgraduate Network is currently co-convened by representatives Mr. Keitumetse Mabole.
Keitumetse Mabole Postgraduate Representative
Linked Resources
July 30th 2020 Post Grad Network Meeting
Issued on
July 2020 Post Grad Network Meeting
Issued on
July 2020 Postgraduate Network Meeting
Issued on
DSAI Student Members
Issued on