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May 2019: Conflict Hunger and International Humanitarian Law (IHL)

Issued on

Recommendations for Action - Identifying practical steps for NGOs, researchers and policy

Discussion Document from DSAI Humanitarian Action Study Group

On the 1st of May 2019, DSAI’s Humanitarian Action Study Group hosted a half-day workshop at Dublin City University on the theme of Conflict, Hunger and International Humanitarian Law (IHL). The workshop focused on the landmark UN Security Council Resolution 2417 on the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict, specifically focused on conflict-induced food insecurity, famine and the starvation of civilians as a method of warfare.

As we approach the one year anniversary of the resolution on the 24th of May, the aim of the workshop was to initiate a discussion among the community of practice in Ireland to identify practical steps for NGOs, researchers and policy actors to engage with and support prevention of, response to, and accountability for conflict-induced food insecurity and starvation as a method of warfare.

The afternoon workshop was followed by an open panel discussion in Trinity College Dublin, with presentations from representatives of Global Rights Compliance, Action against Hunger, and Irish Aid.

The key points of the day’s discussions, included:

1) the importance of collecting, sharing and using data for reporting on conflict and hunger;

2) opportunities for research accountability for conflict and hunger; and

3) strategies for shaping policy and engaging the public.

The summary document concludes with a number of priority areas and recommendations for action for NGOs, researchers and the Irish government.

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